Friday, September 28, 2012

9/28/12 BR

yes                                                                                                       no
to protect thereselves                                                                           stupid people will misuse them
because we have a right to bear arms                                                  more poeple would get killed
less crime                                                                                             more murders
tested in 200 collages                                                                           people would be scared to go out

I think that conceled wepons should be aloud but watched very carfully. Because of there would be less bullying but also be more murders. Another thing is that we have the right to bear arms but stupid people would misuse the right. It is tested in over 200 collages and should be aloud

Friday, September 21, 2012

9/19 assim.

2.) Freedom of: Religion, Speech, Assembly, Press, and Petition.

3.) In today's completely digital society it seems a lot harder to keep your privacy with a lot of things. There are numerous social sites that, for one, allow you to expose anything you want whenever you want and in some cases, anyone in the world almost can access that information. Computers and social sites aren't the only things that make this current time one for all to see, newer and better recording devices, microphones, cameras, chips, everything has been invented that could ever steal information or invade privacy. Technology isn't the main thing to blame here though, people who know what to do and what they need to get certain information also know how work the new technology sometimes for very negative purposes. With all the technological advances and the way more and more people are thinking now.

4.) The Patriot Act of October, 2001, is an acronym that stands for Uniting Strengthening America Providing Appropriate Tools Required Intercept Obstruct Terrorism Act. This act was put into play by President Bush on October 26, 2001. The Patriot Act was initially one of the responses to the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. This act gave law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities, and many other changes to the system. In a nutshell, this act gave more power to the big people in charge and allowed them to be more in depth with the people they deal with they can get in your business and you can't do a whole lot about it because of the Patriot Act put in to play and the fact that no one wants another incident like 9-11.

5.) I do in a way think that the Patriot Act does indeed violate the first amendment in a couple different ways, but I also think it's necessary. I don't like the fact that it gave so much more  to the people in charge, but on the other hand, if they weren't like that and had that not started we could have had another attack or something worse. I think that its either in violation of or defending the first amendment and that's just depends on the person at hand. It's a scary thought to know that the government or certain agencies can get information on you and essentially learn everything about your privacy in a matter of minuets, but for all the potential terrorists out there, I'm glad it exists and that we have it.
i think the man should find the woman and tell her how he feels face to face its better and more romantic amnd most wemon like it better when you spill your heart in person

Thursday, September 20, 2012

9/11 timeline

7:59 A.M. - American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, departs Boston's Logan International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport.
8:14 A.M. - United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, departs from Boston's Logan International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport.
8:.20 A.M - American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, departs Washington Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles International Airport.
8:20 AM : Air traffic controllers suspect Flight 11 has been hijacked.
8:40 A.M. - The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector of the suspected hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11.
8:42 A.M. - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, departs from Newark International Airport bound for San Francisco International Airport.
8:43 A.M. - The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector of the suspected hijacking of United Airlines Flight 175.
8:46 am – Within seconds, NYPD and FDNY forces dispatch units to the World Trade Center:
846 AM: Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Center north tower.
8:47 am -- Port Authority Police Department officers on site begin immediate evacuation of the North Tower
8:52 AM: Two F-15s take off from Otis Air Force Base after Flight 175.
9:03 AM: Flight 175 crashes into the south WTC tower.
9:08 A.M. - The FAA bans all takeoffs of flights going to or through New York airspace.
9:10 AM: Major General Paul Weaver states Flight 77 came back on the (radar) scope at 9:10 in West Virginia.
9:17 A.M. - The FAA shuts down all New York City-area airports.
9:21 A.M. - All bridges and tunnels into Manhattan are closed.
9:24 A.M. - The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector of the suspected hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77.
9:24 AM: The FAA, who 28 minutes earlier had discovered Flight 77 off course and heading east over West Virginia, reportedly notifies NORAD.
9:25 A.M. - The FAA orders shutdown of all airports nationwide, banning takeoffs of all civilian aircraft.
9:28 AM: Air traffic control learns that Flight 93 has been hijacked.
9:38 AM: Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon.
9:43 am - Some 3,300 commercial flights and 1,200 private planes are guided to airports in Canada and the United States over the next two-and-a-half hours.
9:59 AM: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
10:10 AM: Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania.
10:28 AM: The World Trade Center north tower collapses.
1 pm – From a U.S. Air Force base in Louisiana, President Bush announces that U.S. military forces are on high alert worldwide
5:20 PM: Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses.
6:58 pm – President Bush returns to the White House after stops at military bases in Louisiana and Nebraska.
8:30 pm – President Bush addresses the nation, calling the attacks "evil, despicable acts of terror" and declaring that America, its friends and allies would "stand together to win the war against terrorism.

i think that the woman should sue because it is against the law to film someone elses house without permition

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


i think they shouldnt of published the magizine without her permition

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


i dont believe in hating on people who have a different faith as me it just aint right from where i stand what you want to believe in and ill do the same dont hate on my faith and i wont on yours

Monday, September 17, 2012

clue sheet


This delegate took notes at the Philadelphia Convention.

Name: James Madison

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: Born- 1751

Two Additional Clues:
*One of the main "spokesmen" at the Constitutional Convention
*Known as the "Father of the Constitution"


He refused to sign the Constitution.

Name: Oliver Ellsworth

State: Connecticut

Age/Year of Birth: Born 1745

Two Additional Clues:
*Did not agree with the terms
*Was not an avid supporter


This delegate was the head of the Virginia delegation to the convention.

Name: James Madison

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: Born 1751

Two Additional Clues:
*Played as a leader in the convention (s)
*Held a very influencial role with everyone


He practiced in law in Williamsburg.

Name: John Blair

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: Born 1732

Two Additional Clues:
*Born in Williamsburg
*Went on to be the founder of William and Mary


He studied medicine in Scotland.

Name: James Wilson

State: Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth: Born 1741

Two Additional Clues:
* He was an active part in the signing
* He was an avid speaker


This Framer emancipated his slaves in his will.

Name: Thomas Jefferson

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: Born- 1743

Two Additional Clues:
*Was an owner of slaves
*Known to disagree with slavery in later years


He was responsible for the Judiciary Act of 1789.

Name: Oliver Ellsworth

State: Connecticut

Age/Year of Birth: Born - 1745

Two Additional Clues:
*Apointed Chief Justice later on
*One of Connecticut's best lawyers


He was the chairman of the Committee on Style.

Name: William Samuel Johnson

State: Connecticut

Age/Year of Birth: Born- 1727

Two Additional Clues:
* Very good at his work in public services
* Refused to participate in first continental congress


He served on the committees that draft both the Declaration of Independence and the Article of Confederation.

Name: Roger Sherman

State: Massachusetts

Age/Year of Birth: 1721

Two Additional Clues:
* He attened nearly every session of the conventions
* He was very good at reading


He studied law in Philadelphia.

Name: Jared Ingersoll

State: Connecticut

Age/Year of Birth: 1749

Two Additional Clues:
* A newly confirmed patriot
* Graduated from Yale and moved to Philadelphia


He was a roommate of James Madison at the College of New Jersey.

Name: Gunning Bedford, Jr.

State: Delaware

Age/Year of Birth: Born 1747

Two Additional Clues:
* Went to the college of New Jersey
* Was studying the same field as Madison


He served as the first postmaster general of Wilmington.

Name: Benjamin Franklin

State: Massachusetts

Age/Year of Birth: 1706

Two Additional Clues:
* Responsible and very smart
* Excellent working skills


He voted against independence and did sign the Declaration of Independence.

Name: John Dickinson

State: Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth: Born- 1732

Two Additional Clues:
* Did not agree with the concept of Independance
* His name is not on the document


He voted against the independence, but signed the Declaration of Independence.

Name: Robert Morris

State: Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth: Born - 1771

Two Additional Clues:
* One out of two who voted against but proceeded to sign
*His name is on the list of signers


He was born in Connecticut.

Name: Abraham Baldwin

State: Connecticut

Age/Year of Birth: Born- 1754

Two Additional Clues:
* Raised in Connecticut
*Delagate for Connecticut

I side with Jill Stein on 82% of issues in the 2012 Presidential election.


i couldnt understand the article so i have no clue


i think sweetend drinks should be aloud to be sold in any size the store wants to sell them in if you dont want them dont drink them

Thursday, September 13, 2012


i think the students at our school did a good job cleaning up the school i wasnt there cause i broke my wrist but im glad they cleaned up the school

Friday, September 7, 2012

9/6/12 9/7/12

i agree with the clean air act and i think it should be in the top 5 in prioritys of osha

9/6/12 9/7/12

i disagree i think if you regester the gun you should be aloud to have any gun you want its in the amendments

9/6/12 9/7/12

i dont care about gay marrige just be gay and stay away from me thats how i look at it

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


i think it a good idea to fingerprint everybody so they have a better security system i think every prison and federal building should have it

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

done with todays assinment no homework yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy


i think that the parent decides how much they want to give their kids for losing teeth